Our ChapterThe Association of Legal Administrators Minnesota (ALAMN) had its beginning in 1965 when a small number of legal administrators began meeting to discuss common problems. In 1971, this informal group organized to become the Twin Cities Law Office Administrators. In 1980, the group voted to become a chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators, and the chapter's name changed to the Minnesota Legal Administrators Association. This was a reflection of the growing number of members from Greater Minnesota. In 2010, the chapter changed its name to ALAMN to more closely identify itself as a chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators. The small group of administrators that met for lunch nearly 50 years ago likely did not envision that one day ALAMN membership would exceed 200 and that they would be an affiliate of a international organization comprised of nearly 10,000 law office administrators. Each member of ALAMN and ALA has made a personal commitment to increasing the professionalism of law office administration. The purpose of our local chapter is to provide continuing support, educational opportunities and information designed to assist our members in the legal profession. The importance of ALAMN as a support network for the legal administrator cannot be stressed enough. The various active committees working within the organization offer resources and guidance not otherwise available to the legal administrator at the local level. The educational meetings offer the opportunity to network with other administrators and exchange information, while hearing a speaker present a topic, which assists all of us in maintaining our professionalism. Each member has experiences and attributes that are available for the asking. The strength of ALAMN lies in its members and their willingness to participate in the Association and further its goals. |