The ALAMN Business Partner Sponsorship Program is a calendar year program where our business partners can select from five levels of sponsorship and the program that best suits their needs.  The program usually opens for registration in mid‐October for sponsorships for the following year.  The top four levels of sponsorship include a booth(s) at the Annual Educational Conference and Exposition held in February or March.  This conference is our premier event and one of the many benefits of sponsorship.  Please see our complete brochure under Become a Sponsor.

The ALAMN Educational Conference is an annual event bringing together members, sponsors and presenters with the goal of providing educational opportunities and networking. Presenters include national speakers and local professionals. An important core of the conference is the exposition hall. It provides an opportunity for the informal exchange of information between decision‐makers in firms and the business partner community. In addition, sponsors are encouraged to attend the educational sessions side‐by‐side with ALAMN Members offering an opportunity to gain more insight into what's new in the legal environment.

As a sponsor, can I become a member of ALAMN?

Membership in ALAMN and ALA is not available to business partners. Instead, we suggest that you partner with our organization as a Business Partner Sponsor. For information on our Business Partner Sponsorship Program, please see our Sponsorship Brochure.


How do I advertise my products and services to ALAMN firms without being a sponsor?

All advertising opportunities require sponsorship. Several years ago we changed our ala carte program to be an annual program encompassing all partnership opportunities.


What's the best way to partner with ALAMN firms?

By becoming a Business Partner Sponsor.


What is the ALAMN Educational Conference & Exposition?

The ALAMN Educational Conference & Exposition is an annual event providing informative educational sessions and a chance to see national speakers. It is also an opportunity for the informal exchange of information between the decision-makers in our firms and the business partners who provide services and products to the legal community.


What makes this conference different from others?

Members of ALAMN plan the conference -- we're people who manage the daily operations in law firms and corporate legal departments. We are decision makers looking for solutions to our firms’ challenges. We know you expect a fresh and innovative conference: the conference committee works hard to introduce new concepts and programs every year. We know you expect relevant educational opportunities, and we know you expect an extraordinary speaker for the keynote and general sessions. We know you expect an atmosphere of fun, informal networking opportunities.


We're convinced we should sponsor!  How do we register?

If you have any questions or would like this information mailed to you, please contact Kelly Thaemert or Catherine Gorr. You can also see the current brochure under the Sponsor Tab - Become a Sponsor. As a reminder, conference registration is included with four of the five levels of the ALAMN Business Partner Sponsorship Program.


Where do my sponsorship dollars go?

More than 85% of your sponsorship dollars are used to provide educational opportunities and for charitable/community service efforts.